Календарь событий 6 апреля
Фондовый рынок
Tuesday, April 6, 2004
GMT Expected Previous
0130 JPN 6-month Treasury Bill Auction
0200 JPN Mar Imported Car Sales +1.3% YY
0400 JPN 6-month Treasury Bill Auction results
0400 JPN 10-year Government Bond Auction results
0500 JPN Feb Leading Indicators 77.8% 50.0%
0645 FRA Feb Budget Balance -16.7B -11.7B
0800 EU European Parliament holds confirmation
hearing on Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo
for member of ECB executive board
0900 GER March Unemployment adj. 10.3%MM 10.3%MM
+15K MM +26K MM
0915 GER ECB allocates main refi ops bids
1145 US Apr 3 ICS-UBS Store Sales Index -1.9%
1230 CAN Feb Building Permits Flat -0.9%
1255 US Apr 3 Redbook Retail Sales Index +0.1%
1300 FRA Government answering questions in
1400 US Mar Challenger Layoff Survey -34%
1730 US St. Louis Fed Pres Poole speaks in
Little Rock, Ark.
1900 US Mar Treasury STRIPS
2230 US Apr 3 ABC/Money Consumer Confidence Index -17
N/A EU E.U.'s Solbes before European
Parliament economic and monetary affairs panel
N/A EU E.U.'s Lamy before European Parliament
Industry, Trade Research and Energy panel
N/A EU E.U.'s Prodi meets Georgia Pres Saakashvli
N/A EU E.U.'s Monti, de Palacio meets U.S.
Transport Secretary Mineta
N/A EU E.U.'s Prodi gives speech before
European Science Congress
N/A EU E.U.'s Monti in Paris, speech on
"Competitive strategies for tomorrow's
France," at Les Echos conference
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