США. Текущий платежный баланс, 2 квартал
Фондовый рынок
Текущий платежный баланс
2 квартал 2005
млрд. долл. США, с учетом сезонных колебаний
2Q-04 3Q-04 4Q-04 1Q-05 2Q-05
Exports:goods, services, income 376564 385874 405041 413395 430628
Exports, goods, services 285099 290370 298887 306444 317284
Goods, BOP basis 200072 204801 208874 213840 223540
Services 85027 85569 90013 92604 93744
Military agency sales 3756 3604 3555 4525 4485
Travel 18675 18686 19220 20008 21564
Passenger fares 4654 4909 4774 5162 5342
Other transportation 9188 9124 9643 9859 10164
Royalties and license fees 12573 12947 14446 14872 14705
Other private services 35975 36094 38163 37968 37277
U.S. Govt. misc. services 206 205 212 210 207
Income receipts 91465 95504 106154 106951 113344
Receipts, US assets abroad 90738 94734 105357 106207 112588
Direct investment 57053 57863 63053 58180 61682
Other private receipts 32972 36117 41577 47299 50077
U.S. Govt. receipts 713 754 727 728 829
Compensation of employees 727 770 797 744 756
Imports:goods, services, income -522684 -537085 -571026 -585804 -604410
Imports, goods, services -437141 -447835 -468108 -479496 -490611
Merch., BOP basis -364059 -372576 -391050 -400169 -410469
Services -73082 -75259 -77058 -79327 -80142
Direct defense expenditures -7399 -7433 -7368 -7545 -7535
Travel -16491 -16603 -16655 -17425 -18127
Passenger fares -5882 -5896 -6183 -6221 -6508
Other transportation -13158 -13614 -14483 -15882 -14835
Royalties and license fees -5731 -6591 -6172 -6429 -6372
Other private services -23492 -24150 -25246 -24859 -25808
U.S. Govt. misc. services -929 -972 -951 -966 -957
Income Payments -85543 -89250 -102918 -106308 -113799
Payments on forgn assets in US -83331 -87040 -100666 -104140 -111619
Direct investment -27973 -27520 -29640 -29803 -32612
Other private payments -33355 -36246 -46729 -48333 -51155
U.S. Govt. payments -22003 -23274 -24297 -26004 -27852
Compensation of employees -2212 -2210 -2252 -2168 -2180
Unilateral transfers -20515 -15771 -22374 -26259 -21873
U.S. Govt. grants -4961 -4911 -5701 -9035 -5332
US Govt pensions and other -1556 -1548 -1607 -1558 -1564
Private remittances and other -13998 -9312 -15066 -15666 -14977
Capital account -372 -393 -455 -4466 -266
U.S. assets abroad, net -133886 -137525 -288957 -81510 -250793
US official reserve assets, net 1122 429 697 5331 -797
Gold #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Special drawing rights -90 -98 -110 1713 -97
Reserve position in IMF 1345 676 990 3763 -564
Foreign currencies -133 -149 -183 -145 -136
US Govt, other than official -2 -11 501 4487 258
US credits and other long term -668 -1270 -545 -519 -586
Repayments on U.S. credits 544 1299 1004 1083 838
US forgn currency holdings 122 -40 42 3923 6
U.S. private assets, net -135006 -137943 -290155 -91328 -250254
Direct investment -58425 -41222 -99997 -26997 -33609
Foreign securities -30181 -38444 -18226 -38675 -36004
Claims on unaffiliated forgnrs
reported by US nonbanks -5390 -13490 -74669 -74934 -9642
Claims reported by U.S. banks -41010 -44787 -97263 49278 -170999
Foreign assets in the U.S., net 304937 254228 457915 243451 393069
Foreign official assets in US 77039 75792 94478 25277 82324
U.S. Govt. securities 63456 66899 56768 39244 44341
U.S. Tsy securities 62977 55357 41728 14306 22721
Other 479 11542 15040 24938 21620
Other U.S. Govt. liabilities 45 710 -158 -650 229
Liabilities by U.S. banks 11350 4867 32054 -15843 33663
Other foreign official assets 2188 3316 5814 2526 4091
Other foreign assets in US 227898 178436 363437 218174 310745
Direct investment 31039 35666 31622 35056 17590
U.S. Tsy securities 60424 -1107 15710 75911 4913
Other U.S. securities 81678 84401 158238 79973 115335
U.S. currency 8754 2560 5313 1072 4507
Liabilities to unaffiliated
foreigners by US nonbanks 3887 14752 61096 93897 -548
Liabilities by US banks 42116 42164 91458 -67735 168948
Statistical discrepancy -4044 50672 19856 41193 53645
Balance on goods -163987 -167775 -182176 -186329 -186929
Balance on services 11945 10310 12955 13277 13602
Balance on goods and services -152042 -157465 -169221 -173052 -173327
Balance on investment income 5922 6254 3236 643 -455
Unilateral transfers -20515 -15771 -22374 -26259 -21873
Balance on current account -166635 -166982 -188359 -198668 -195655
Последние новости:
16.09.05 16:19 | Золото продолжает обновлять максимумы 17 лет | 16.09.05 17:05 | США. TIC, июль |
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